One month ago today, I took a step that I had been dreaming/stressing/giddy about for a long time. It didn’t look all that different on the outside. As always, I woke up around 6:30am, shuffled blurry-eyed over to my den, and fired up my laptop to check my online course earnings from the previous day before launching into a couple hours of focused, uninterrupted work.
What was different was that… at 9:00am, instead of begrudgingly stopping my exciting, fulfilling business work and logging into my morning team check-in at work, I just kept working on my business…
…and I haven’t stopped since.
I’m not going to say I’ve been working all day and all night, because Ariana and the NBA Playoffs have both been pulling their weight in making sure I’m taking my breaks… but I have been working A LOT.
And I have no complaints at all. In fact, I genuinely love it.
I get to do what I want, when I want. If I want to try something new or crazy, I can.
What’s mind blowing is how fast things move when your attention isn’t divided between two things and you’re working completely on your own. I remember at York, I could have a big project that was stressing me out, and then as soon as I was about to start, I’d realize I needed like 6 pieces of information from 6 different people before I could do anything….
Soooo frustrating, right?
Now… whatever it is… I just do it. I am ripping through my to-do lists. I’m gladly working 10+ hours a day, and I’m just so happy.
Of course… there have been some challenges…
Bye Bye income… soooooo, August has historically been one of my lowest earning months of the year. This year is no exception. The first month I don’t have that fat York U cheque auto-depositing on the 25th and it’s also the least clients I’ve seen for a month since last August…
However, I planned for this. Oh boy, did I plan for this. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been stock piling savings in a “rainy day account” for years so I’ve got enough to supplement my income for quite some time (although I have to constantly remind myself of this when the tiny waves of panic come).
Plus, I’m still experiencing record-high income from my video courses each month, so that has made the slowing in clients all-the-less painful.
Also, September is always one of my biggest months and I have a few clients lined up already so I’m going to be jussssst fine. But thank you for caring.
So, if I haven’t had a ton of clients, what have I been working on?
I’m glad you asked.
I’m very excited to give you a sneak peak of my newest project:
Job Search Institute is a 5-Day Huge Super Course I’ve been building that’s designed to take job seekers from start-to-finish, navigating the entire job search process with inside secrets from a former hiring manager (yours truly).
I’ve been working my butt off on putting the course together using a platform called Teachable. I’ve got a whole marketing funnel for it and everything.
I’ve been thinking about building this thing for like 2+ years, and now that my livelihood depends on it, it has been (more-or-less) my sole focus… side note: having no safety net is by-far the best motivator I’ve ever experienced.
I’m going to be releasing a sneak peak next week and I’m hoping to launch the week after that!!!
AhhHHHhh so excited!
Anywho… just to throw another wrench in everything…
I’m also MOVING!!!
Ariana and I had been eyeing this nice condo down the street from us for a while. We started talking about how much we wanted to live there, and then we starting talking about how we were going to live there, and then next thing we knew, we had our move-in date.
It wasn’t my first instance of “manifesting” something into existence (the Raptors did win the championship last year after all), but it was a pretty cool example of how putting your thoughts into something can go a long way toward making it happen.
The new place is great. It has two bathrooms (not sure what we’ll use the other one for but, cool though) and a balcony, and it’s right on the water, so we’re very excited.
But also… moving in the middle of COVID plus trying to launch Job Search Institute plus stressing a tinsy bit about my income… it’s a lot all at once.
But Ariana is awesome, I am awesome, and the new place is awesome, so we’re making it happen.
In summary
I know this blog has been a bit all over the place but that’s kind of how I’m feeling right now so that’s what you get.
I also feel strangely calm and okay, amidst all the change and chaos. Hopefully that means I’ve made the right decision.
More to come soon.