5 Reasons to Gift Someone a Resume for Christmas

Resume Gift

Do you have a loved one who’s stuck in a rut? How about a close friend who’s unemployed? Is there anyone on your list who’s ready to make a change but just needs a little nudge?

Maybe you should buy them a new resume for Christmas!

There are a lot of great reasons to gift someone a new resume. Here are my top 5:

1. You’re Also Gifting Them Confidence

A brand new resume, written by a professional, can really shed light on your loved one’s accomplishments. Seeing their professional background displayed on a beautifully designed document in clear, professional language can completely change the way a person sees themselves. 

Give the gift of confidence this holiday season. 

2. You’re Gifting Them a Lifestyle Change

Sure, you’re only buying a resume (and maybe a cover letter), but that resume can turn into new opportunities, a pay raise, a better work environment, and maybe an overall increase in happiness. This loved one will be grateful to you each and every time they go into their new job. You helped get them there. 

3. It’s a Gift that Keeps on Giving

If you help your spouse, family member, or friend land a new job this January, they’ll start gaining valuable experience that will improve their resume for when they’re ready to apply for the next job after that. And if they land that next job a year earlier, then they start accumulating higher level experience even earlier… and on the cycle goes until they’re a CEO… or a really experienced science teacher… or whatever they want to be.

By gifting someone a resume, you’re helping them fast-track their entire career. 

4. Your Belief in Them is Motivational

When they see you are willing to invest in their future, they will be too. Not only does a gifted resume give someone a great tool with which to pursue their dream job, it also adds motivation (and even an obligation) to make the most of that gift (and ultimately their career). 

Gift someone a resume this Christmas and light a yule log under their butt to kick their career up a notch!

5. It’ll be a Really Great Resume

Yes, a lot of people are capable of writing their own resume. This is why so many people out there have passable resume of their own creation. But a passable resume doesn’t land a dream job. Hiring a Certified Resume Strategist who has studied resume writing, knows what hiring managers are looking for, and has written hundreds of resumes is going to yield a much better product than your loved one could create themselves. 

They may not reach out to a professional because they’re okay on their own… but your special person, they’re more than just okay. They’re amazing! And they deserve a resume that reflects that! 

6. Bonus: You Can Get the Resume at a Discounted Rate!

To thank you for your selfless decision to help out someone you care about, I’m offering $25 off gifted resumes for a limited time (and limited quantity). 

Just enter “Resume Gift” in the subject line of your message and I’ll make sure you get that discount!

Is the gift for you? I’ll give you a discount for that as well, because I’m all about that self love!

Have someone in mind who deserves a
Top Notch Resume?